CPG Mailbag - September 7, 2019

September 07, 2019

Welcome to this week’s mailbag, guys. Obviously a tumultuous week with the arrest and subsequent detainment of our Head Course Marshal Darrell Bevins after an unfortunate firearm incident. Due to the sensitive nature of the matter, I cannot comment further.

With that, let’s get to this week’s questions.


My thoughts are with you and your staff this week as you deal with being short staffed and undermanned. When losing a key member of your staff, like a Bevins, what’s the best way to respond and motivate your employees to pick up the slack?

Dale G. - Louisville, KY

Dale, these are the moments that define a staff. This is why I preach culture and personal responsibility among my employees. You look at a Miguel Vega, or our part-time Deputy Course Marshal, George Brinkle. Are they the caliber of a Darrell? Obviously not. But luckily I've built a rock solid culture here at the club that's able to withstand storms such as this.


Just this Tuesday, I had to assist George with a stacked afternoon tee sheet while he was at dialysis. I had to translate for Miguel as he tried to enforce pace of play rules with the local high school girls junior varsity golf team while also quelling a testy foursome of pipe fitter union delegates. They say until you walk a mile in a man’s shoes, you don’t truly understand him. Well, after running a marathon in Darrell’s orthotics this past week, I have gained an even greater appreciation for what he does.

When I hired Darrell back in 2016, I knew that I had hired a special man of impeccable character. I did not know the depth of his responsibilities and how his “iron fist” methods benefit our club in ways that I previously had not realized. He cannot come back soon enough. In the mean time, our employees will have to bear the weight of his absence. Everyone has to pick up the slack when a star employee goes down. It’s just how it works. Establishing a culture of healthy fear, which Darrell has done in spades, is so vitally important to the automation of a club’s operations.

Club Pro Guy,

What are your thoughts on dating co-workers? I’ve been tempted to dip my pen in the company ink on multiple occasions, but the thought of losing my career in the sweet walls of a woman has made me pull up short whenever I had a shot. What’s the play with co-workers?

Keith B. - Little Rock, AR

You need to think a little bolder Keith. There is nothing sweeter than the old merger and acquisition of a chesty colleague....but keep it in the moment. My advice is to have fun, but don't fall for anyone. I recommend a “hit it and quit it” mentality when it comes to co-workers. Do not date. Don’t linger. Also, only have office romances with subordinates. You'll need the leverage if things go bad.

Speaking from experience, I have had many near misses at club holiday parties, happy hours and quiet moments in the bag room where the sexual tension is so thick, you could cut it with a belly putter. I generally keep it cordial with coworkers  and not mix business with pleasure. However, when it comes to the single/divorced moms at the club, it’s open season. 

In the end, it’s best to just use your judgement. If it feels right, go for it. Even if it doesn't feel right, I'd probably still go for it. You know what the kids say...... YOLO.

Okay, guys. That’s it for this week. If you have any questions for the Mailbag, as always shoot them over to fore@clubproguy.com.

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