Staff Meeting Minutes - August 21, 2019

August 21, 2019

Date: Wednesday, August 21, 2019, 8:00 a.m. - 8:49 a.m.

Location: Staff Lounge

Chairperson: Chip Kennedy, General Manager

In Attendance:
Darrel Bevins, Head Course Marshal
Club Pro Guy, Head Golf Pro
Miguel Vega, Head Groundskeeper
DeAndre Barnes, Snack Bar Head Cook
Anastasia Adams, Beverage Cart Attendant

Absent: Ernesto Ortiz, Assistant Groundskeeper (Re-tinting the windows on CPG's Miata)
Tristan Whiteside, Assistant Golf Pro (Group lesson with residents from senior living center)

1. Review of previous minutes
Mr. Kennedy opened the meeting by urging those in attendance to treat their fellow employees with respect and decorum during staff meetings, referencing last week's outburst by CPG towards Mr. Vega in regards to what he believed to be subpar course conditions that led to an unsatisfactory performance in Thursday Men’s League. CPG remarked that he and Mr. Vega had resolved the issue privately. 

2. Employee Code of Conduct
Mr. Kennedy confronted Ms. Adams about a picture being circulated among the members that depicted her working weekends for an escort service in Las Vegas.

Ms. Adams strenuously denied the charge and said that even though she has spent the last several weekends in Las Vegas visiting her niece who is fighting Polio, it is purely coincidental. Ms. Adams suggests this may have been a recycled image from way back in 2018 when she was working as a private contractor for

As Mr. Kennedy was reminding Ms. Adams about the club's moonlighting policy, Mr. Bevins examined the document in question, pulled out his phone and called the number on the flier. At that moment, a phone rang in Ms. Adam's Louis Vuitton hand bag and she excused herself from the meeting.

Action: Matter closed

3. Course Marshal Updates
Mr. Bevins notified the staff that he will be taking a one week trip to San Marcos, Texas to attend an intensive “Sheepdog Training Seminar” with volunteer border patrol officers. He disclosed that most of his training will be kept private, but that he would be learning methods that will improve the course’s security, including but not limited to: advanced surveillance techniques, identifying potential persons of interest, body language analysis, proficiency in aiming while dual wielding pistols and current interrogation trends. He will return next Tuesday.

Action: Bevins

4. Member-Guest updates
CPG has locked in Tom Billington Kia as the presenting sponsor of the upcoming member-guest tournament and they will cover the costs of the goody bags. Billington has also requested that a fully loaded Kia Soul hatchback be parked on or near the number six tee box to serve as a hole-in-one promotion, with a free test drive being awarded in the closest-to-the-pin competition on said hole. Mr. Vega noted that this may be a bad idea considering that Stan Perry usually drains his above ground pool every year on that same weekend and the car placement will be directly in the path of the rushing water.

Mr. Bevins inquired what the punishment should be for any member who touches the car during tournament play. When Mr. Kennedy said there will be no punishment, Mr. Bevins made extensive notations in his notebook.

Action: CPG/Vega/Bevins

5. Closing remarks
The Chairperson praised the professionalism of the staff during the meeting and voiced his pleasure with the progress of the member-guest event next month. He adjourned the meeting by reading a long quote by Lee Iacocca about leadership.

6. Next meeting
Wednesday, August 28, 8 a.m.

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