CPG Staff Meeting Minutes - September 25, 2019

September 26, 2019

Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2019, 8:00 a.m. - 8:46 a.m.

Location: Staff Lounge

Chairperson: Chip Kennedy, General Manager

In Attendance:
Darrell Bevins, Head Course Marshal
Club Pro Guy, Head Golf Pro
Miguel Vega, Head Groundskeeper
DeAndre Barnes, Snack Bar Head Cook
Tristan Whiteside, Assistant Golf Pro

Ernesto Ortiz, Assistant Groundskeeper (At Costco buying Slim-Fast Shakes for membership drive)
Anastasia Adams, Beverage Cart Attendant (early departure for friend’s bachelorette party)

1. Review of previous minutes
Mr. Kennedy opened the meeting noting the massive success of the release of “Rey Rey’s Creek” shirts in the pro shop, praising CPG for his creative problem solving and entrepreneurial action in response to Augusta National’s cease and desist. He also updated employees on the ongoing parking lot resurfacing, which was scheduled to take place this coming Monday, but has now been rescheduled to a later date in 2020 due to budgetary concerns. 

2. Fall Membership Update
CPG let the staff know that after a sluggish start, he has driven up fall membership numbers after a successful reciprocal partnership with the local Curves for Women franchise. All “Curves” members now have the option to purchase a fall membership at a discounted price. This falls in line with CPG’s “Play 9 to Drop 10” membership drive that includes:

-Fall Club Membership (Expires 12/1/19)
-Unlimited Golf T-TH after 3:00 pm
-$25 gift card to Venus’s Bliss Salon + Spa
-Case of SlimFast meal replacement shakes
-Mandatory participation in the club’s annual “Worm Burner 5K” on October 19.

CPG also notified members that select Spanx products will now be for sale in the pro shop as well.

Action: CPG

3. Upcoming Club Events
Mr. Bevins recapped the Chavez-Roches wedding, which he claimed "went off without much of a hitch considering the caliber of people” in attendance. He did note that a wayward Saturn Missile cartridge from the post nuptial firework display did some light cosmetic damage to parts of the maintenance shed and one golf cart. Mr. Bevins said the offending party was detained for a short period of time until an agreement of payment was settled. Mr. Nico Chavez delivered a certified check in the amount of $56.72 which was received earlier this week and the matter is considered closed.

Action: Bevins

4. Winterization Procedure
Mr. Vega notified the staff that the groundskeeping crew will begin winterizing the course at some point between Monday, October 21 and Friday, February 7. He also noted that the club’s rock salt inventory is especially low.

Miguel then addressed the issue of the oil leak in our primary greens mower that has left massive 'dead streaks' of grass throughout all of our non-temporary greens.

Miguel claims Alejandro discovered the leak on hole number four and became gravely concerned. Instead of turning off the mower and making immediate repairs, Alejandro decided the most prudent course of action was to jam his bandana in to the leak, finish mowing holes 5-18 and hope for the best. 

Miguel complimented Alejandro for his quick thinking and assured those in attendance that although the greens now look incredibly unsightly, the dead streaks have had very little impact on playability.

Action: Vega, Ortiz

5. Closing remarks
The Chairperson closed the meeting by playing Simon Sinek’s “Millennials in the Workplace” video. Mr. Bevins was asked to be quiet multiple times.

6. Next meeting
Wednesday, October 2, 8 a.m.

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