Miguel Course Conditions Report - Semana 25 de noviembre de 2019

November 25, 2019

Buen dia,

We finally take down a Halloween decoration. Espooky skeleton put back in storage. I love how orange the tree happen. Makes brown grass look good. Happy Holiday.

Numero Uno

We take down espooky skeleton and want to put up straw pilgrim man. Senor Kennedy say “culturally insensitive” pero I love a thanksgiving. I put up some squash and pumpkin I buy from mi amigo Santiago on his fruit stand by the highway.

Numero Dos

Grass still green! Somehow! Possiblemente a miracle? I call church and let them know. Maybe news coverage on Inside Edition? Me gusta Deborah Norville.

Numero Tres

Pumpkin that was here is dead. Senor Bevin take to shooting class.

Numero Quatro

Goopy mud on cart path freeze and then melt! Freeze and then melt! Every morning. Don’t know how to stop it. I put salt on it but now it smell so bad. Hope it helps.

Numero Cinco

Flowers dead. Ernesto say he plant for ex girlfriend. I gave him afternoon off and remove.

Numero Seis

Grass dead again. We put down some straw we take from old corn maze next door.

Numero Siete

Big hill get slick in the morning from sewer pipe drainage freeze. CPG now call it “the big shitty”

Numero Ocho

El ocho so good. Big tree looking so nice. Big red leaf catch the sun in the afternoon. I drink cerveza here with Senor Barne after work last Thursday.

Numero Nueve

Tractor stuck in the mud, but it’s behind a tree and no one notice. We waiting for a tow truck, but Senor Kennedy say no room in the budget, so we wait for another freeze and drive it out at night.

Numero Diez

Finally remove the temporary green for the temporary green. Back to just a temporary green.

Numero Once

Above grown pool now full of leaf and smell like rot. Wind from the north carry it all over the course.

Numero Doce

Crow fly south for the winter finally. Or Senor Bevin finally get it. Saw some feather.

Numero Trece

Lot of leaf. Too much for wind to take care of. Get the big rake and clean. Come back 30 minute later, more leaf!

Numero Catorce

Clean up some beer left over by the tee box. Don’t know who left it. Save it for later.

Numero Quince

Grass completely gone. Spray paint, but green not match rest of brown fairway, so mix yellow parking lot paint with green spraypaint and fruit punch mix from snack bar to make brown paint and now it match.

Numero Dieciseis

Drunk golfing player drive all over green. He get chewed out by me. Senor Bevin chase him off and taser. Arrested!

Numero Diecisiete

The bonker is drive me loca! We can’t keep clump of leaf out of there. I cover with tarp during night, but leaf still find way in. Don’t know what to do. Keep working on it.

Numero Dieciocho

I put up a chili pepper lights on the gazebo on the patio. ¡Feliz Navidad!



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