Miguel’s Course Conditions Report: Winter Update #2

March 04, 2020

Buen dia,

It is Miguel. We go full speed for spring! Weather is hard. One day it something, next something else. The cold, the warm, the wet, the cold again. Senor Bevin says weather remind him of second wife when we have cerveza. I laugh. I tell that joke many time this week. Here course condition update:

Hole Uno
Ay. They park all the cart on the mud! On hoyo primero! Who they think they are I am?? Ding dong. It’s Miguel and I take care of business. We put barb wire around mud spot.

Hole dos
Drain no longer clog, but now all the fluid go down into cart corral. Carts smell so bad for a while.

Hole tres
I worry about the squirrel, so I ask Senor Bevin to set up trail cam, now I can watch the squirrel from home. Mama squirrel preganate?

Hole cuatro
Chainsaw: broke. Big tree need cutting down. Second tree that die on me this year. Best news? We don’t have to pay for mulch. We make our own recipe. Take a trip down to my cousin work farm in Wichita, grab some cow mierde, mix together in wood chipper. 

Hole cinco
So muddy. Member lose apple watch. I found. Return for a reward.

Hole seis
Permanente baño under construction! Need more plywood and FlexSeal.

Hole siete
Plant new tree behind big tree. Esto tree will be a tree to drink under for next generacione of golfing player. Big one about to die also.

Hole ocho
El Ocho! Best. The best hole. I will write song about this.

Hole nueve
I have Alejandro finally take down Christmas lights behind green.

Hole diez
I see goose mierde, but no goose. I think he come back from his vacation. Senor Bevin say he will watch for him. Bad time to be goose!

Hole once
All winter long member's call it “Mud hole”. But who laughs now! We re-sod two weeks ago and streaks finally gone thanks to six can of rustoleum.

Hole doce
Temporary green: gone! Maybe down to two temporary green by April? Probably May. Could be June. Then heat comes, so who knows. But progress!

Hole trece
I finally have enough with pothole! We take big bag of gravel and flexseal and do ourself.

Hole catorce
Big pile of snow is gone final. But ground is so wet and nasty. Things we find after it melt: tricycle, dead raccoon, missing weed eater and gas can.

Hole quince
Pave over mud. Ernesto worried about sinkhole. We just have to see.

Hole dieciseis
Somehow getting green? Everywhere else brown. Could be fungis. I don't know.

Hole diecisiete
I think we need new water jug. Frogs live in old one and lay egg. Mama frog big! Alejandro take them to creek and set free. 

Hole dieciocho
We salvage hill after little gringos sledding on snow all winter. Will look best ever come April...May at latest. But could be June. Then heat come so who know?

All looking good!  Spring coming?


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