"Turf Time" with Miguel

July 10, 2019

Miguel Course Conditions Report - Semana de 14 julio de 2019

Buen dia,

We have a good course today everybody have a good week.

Numero Uno

Hole is good. Everything fine.

Numero Dos

Not so good. We got the big mice making the nest on by the green again. I take care of it with the hose.

Numero Tres

Get better over here. Grass good. We find two cerveza in fairway. I split with Ernesto after work.

Numero Quatro

Sprinkler broke. I fix with the hammer. All good.

Numero Cinco

Is fine. No too dry like last week.

Numero Seis

Big trouble. Bad smell from drain pipe. Go in after Ernesto would not. Que bebe. Dead squirrel family. Even little guys. Triste.

Numero Siete

Is okay I guess. Put some sand on quizás re-sod on by the cart path.

Numero Ocho

Bueno. Nobody complain. Good hole.

Numero Nueve

Some upset about it. Es a pretty muddy fairway since drain clog again. Two cart stuck on same day. Put sand on. Buy some drain-o.

Numero Diez

Good hole. Very green. Rough a little long but is fine.

Numero Once

Mucho basura. Gringos from the college have a como se dice “frat party”. Big mess. Is clean now. I yell at them when they come back. Señor Bevin say he sat outside frat house for five hour last night.

Numero Doce

Some problem with fairway bonker. Looks like crow has taken over. Is a big crow. He don’t like me. Ernesto said he will take care of it. He has BB gun. Don’t tell Señor Bevin. Will be too messy clean up.

Numero Trece

Is fine. Big tree by tee box should cut down. Looks dead.

Numero Catorce

Bueno. Good hole. Bonker repaired after cart crash last week.

Numero Quince

We take good care of this hole. No brown. No too many divot. No crow.

Numero Dieciseis

Problem. Green is crack. Bake out. Ernesto and I water for three hours and nothing. We ask gardener friend Tito what to do but Tito no tiene cell phone. Only email.

Numero Diecisiete

Good hole. Take good care. Fresh grass from spring still good. Crack between sod and old grass not so bad anymore.

Numero Dieciocho

Closing hole always best hole. Took second cut down after snake problem. No one say nothing to me about it anymore.

Gracias, Miguel

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